As mandated by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) M 05-24, and Department of Energy (DOE) O 206.2, the Office of the Chief Information Office (OCIO) Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) has implemented software and configuration changes that will obligate users to log on to their web applications with their HSPD-12 credentials.
This page has been set up to test access for users and ensure minimal service interruptions for the EHSS's Reporting Databases to inclue the following:
Occurrence Reporting & Processing System (ORPS), Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS), Radiological Source Registry and Tracking (RSRT), Safety Basis (SBIS),Lessons Learned (LL), Fire Protection (FP), Pollution Prevention (PPTRS),
Electronic Funding and Administration System (EFAS), Secure Electronic Records Transfer (SERT), Health and Safety Issue Tracker (HSIT), Response Line (RL),
High Efficient Particular Air (HEPA) Filters, Personnel Security Corner (PERSEC), Suspect/Counterfeit and Defective Items (SCI), Daily Occurrence (DO).
Please login via link below, with your PIV/PIV-I card to link your account to any of the application listed above
Login Using your PIV/PIV-I Card

Link your PIV/PIV-I Card. Note: For your PIV/PIV-I card to work, you MUST install your card reader and insert your PIV card before selecting the PIV image.
User Guide